Students Who Have COVID-19:
As provided in this Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Rule, school systems must exclude students from attending school in person who are actively sick with COVID-19 or who have received a positive test result for COVID-19.
Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school on campus if the child has COVID-19 symptoms or is test-confirmed with COVID-19, until the conditions for re-entry are met:
Children who test positive for COVID-19 but are symptom free by Day 5 may return to school.
If symptoms continue past Day 5, exclude until the child is fever free*and other symptoms have improved.
* Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications. Fever is a temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Celsius) or higher.
To help mitigate the risk of asymptomatic individuals being on campuses, ECA may provide and/or conduct recurring COVID-19 testing using rapid tests. Testing can be conducted with staff. With prior written permission of parents, testing can be conducted with students.
Students Who Are Close Contacts:
As a reference, close contact determinations are generally based on guidance outlined by the CDC, which notes that individuals who are vaccinated are not considered close contacts. Given the data from 2020-21 showing very low COVID-19 transmission rates in a classroom setting and data demonstrating lower transmission rates among children than adults, school systems are not required to conduct COVID-19 contact tracing.
If school systems are made aware that a student is a close contact, the school system should notify the student’s parents. Close contact is defined as within 3 feet, for more than 15 minutes without a barrier between the individuals. Individuals who are determined to be close contacts may continue to attend classes as long as they are symptom free. Masks are encouraged for close contacts.
Students with potential COVID-19 symptoms:
If during the school day a child develops symptoms that could be related to COVID-19, the school will contact the parent or legal guardian. The legal guardian can elect to have the child tested with a rapid Covid test IF there is a permission slip signed for the student. If the test is negative, the student may go back to class. Alternatively, the parent or legal guardian may pick up the child to get them tested elsewhere or they may participate in a 5 day quarantine if they choose not to test.
Further Guidance:
1. Daily Health Screenings - We do not provide daily screenings or temperature checks on campus, but make this the responsibility of the parent/caregiver to check before arriving at the school for any school related events or sports activities.
Please use the self-checker to determine whether your child may need to stay at home:
2. Face Coverings - Per GA-38, ECA cannot require students or staff to wear a mask. ECA will allow individuals to wear a mask if they choose to do so.
3. Vaccines - ECA does not have a mandatory Covid vaccine requirement. We do, however, request that you let us know if your child has been vaccinated as this enables us to make the most optimal decision when quarantining students.
4. Covid Testing - We will continue with COVID tests as a preventative measure when suspicion arises about infection. Parents will be asked to sign a permission slip for testing. Parents may refuse, but will be expected to come pick up their child if testing is refused and the child is manifesting symptoms.
5. Close Contact - Will inform parents on a need-to-know basis about close contact.
6. Contact Tracing - We may determine that contact tracing be used to limit the possibility of outbreaks across the school.
7. COVID excused absences - Students will be sent work for the Lower School, and work will be posted on Google Classroom for the Upper School. Teachers reserve the right to utilize video conferencing (Zoom, Google Meets) to aid in instruction if deemed necessary to provide the best educational experience to the students. All work will be expected to be completed at home. For Upper School students, absences for COVID or for mandated quarantine do not prohibit the student from exempting final exams, however students that are absent must meet the grade requirements to exempt. Absence late work policy will apply. Please see the Parent/Student handbook for details on this provision.
8. Frequent Hand Washing Practices - All students will receive instruction from school staff on how to properly wash their hands and participate in regular hand washing procedures.
9. No Communal Water Fountains - There will be no water fountain use on either campus. All water fountains will be visibly inaccessible. It will be imperative for students to bring their own labeled water bottle.
Lower School teachers and staff will refill students’ personal water bottles as needed
and the option to purchase bottled water will be included on Milk cards.
Upper School students will be given the opportunity to purchase bottled water daily.
10. Hand Sanitizer Stations - Hand sanitizer will be available in each campus space, and each classroom teacher will keep a Cleaning Pack on site complete with wipes, additional hand sanitizer, paper towels, and non-chemical disinfectant spray.
11. Surface Treatment - There will be scheduled desk, chair, and surface wipe-down times throughout the school day.
12. Air Treatment - Upper School will have ionized air treatment every 90 days; Lower
School will have ionized filtration in the A/C unit to limit the spread of germs.
13. Reduction in Student Movement and Transition indoors -
Lower School- Staff will utilize the daily schedule to ensure there is no congestion during passing periods (ex: restroom, specials time, lunchtime, etc…), a marked one-way entrance/exit in areas needed, and multiple entrances/exits will be offered to prevent congestion.
Upper School- The students will enter through the glass doors, go through the Fellowship Hall and up the stairs. They will exit the staircase on the other end when coming downstairs for any reason.
14. Physical Distance in Class - Both campuses will maintain social distancing with desk/chair placement and spacing. CDC currently recommends 3ft of distancing and no longer use the 15 minute rule to determine close contact. Physical distancing in classrooms reduces the need to quarantine full classes.
15. Protective Surroundings - Where physical distancing cannot be adequately maintained, acrylic partitions will be positioned to reduce contact in classrooms on both campuses.
16. Lunchroom Contact - Lower School lunches will either be physically distanced in the lunchroom, held outside during pleasant weather, or in classrooms. PK-1st grade will eat in the cafeteria, 2nd-6th grade will eat in their classroom, or weather permitting, outside.
Upper School lunches will be physically distanced in the WHBC Fellowship Hall with more tables and fewer chairs per table, in addition to outdoor eating and utilizing the Garden Room when needed.
17. Sharing of school equipment and supplies - Each student will have his/her own personal supplies labeled and kept with them. Any sharing of equipment or supplies will be extremely limited.
18. Arrival on Campus - Students will report directly to class immediately upon arrival with no congregating in the Chapel (Lower School) or Fellowship Hall (Upper School), and no loitering in the halls will be permitted.
19. Limited In-Person Gatherings and Events - Students on both campuses will be given an option to attend in person or live-stream from the classroom when made available.
20. Chapel - Lower School will sit with physical distance in clearly marked spots in the Chapel. Upper School will sit with physical distance in the WHBC Worship Center. For both campuses, Chapel may take place outside during pleasant weather conditions. Students on quarantine for COVID may Zoom in for Chapel services.
* ECA reserves the right to modify or change these regulations based on the most current health information available.